

 Each day a giving anew experience through different classes through different kind of students. Today day for me. There are several kind of students from the lowes primary to teach even us a lot move daily basis of knowledge. Today I got second and third period of the day and rest of the day I went to substiction on other periods and and write the rest of the records and completed charts wortes as a conten't earned Today's Calss were so intensting but I lost a llt of management and it go. Out of control. But I managed to gain the control back and it succeeded. The ride of ICT brings back attention of students even when they are tired. It gives them a. visual treat about the topics. The real life connection makes the topic more intensting and the students exciting. They are responding very well and doing activities assigned for them. There are certain students who wrote the assignment and makes them feel proud.

Innovative work



 Each dag is giving a new experience Through different daises through different kind of Students. Today was a content earned day for me There are several kind of students from the lowes primary to apper primeug to teach even walbt more daily basis of knowledge. Today I got second and third period of the day and rest of the period I went to substitution on other perpods and wrote the rest of the records and completed chart works. Today's class were so interesting. but I losta bit of management and it go out of control But I managed and Pt goat out of control-But I managed to gain the control. back the attention of students even when they are tired. It gives them a visual treat about the topics The real life connection makes the topic more interesting students exciting. They are responding very well. and doing activities assigned for them there are certain students who wrote the assignment and It makes them feel proud


 Completed 2 weeks of my teaching practice. I reached the school by 9-00 AM. as usual. The I signed the attendance-registe at piincipals offere After the morning praye I had the substitutton duty at 9.5 and how. 2 engaged in completing my record works. 3rd how again, I had my substitution duty. In between the and hour Maya Maam came for class obrervatio and observed some of my collegues classes She also gave some tips regarding class management In the afternoon session 6th hous I had class at 7B I continuvel the chaptes repeated. mu Hip location. I had my class at SJ during the last hous. After that I went for discipline duty and left the school by 400PM. I didn't get any class houe to teach because they have model exame- nation to day.

#Second week

 Today was the 9th day of my intense teaching practice. I reached the college by 9-00 AM and then signed the attendance registered principal's office: Then after the morning prayer. I had substitution duty at 5L and 6J in the first and second hour. I engaged the dass by playing game simon says students really enjoyed it. They also gifted me some paper craft made by them. In the 3rd how I went for my colleague Shilpa's class . Observation at 9A. I noted down the strengths of the class and what I got from the claw. In the 4th hour. I had my class at 8J. Students engaged in practicing for the radio pragrames.

#First week

  Day 1 Today was the very first day of my inteme Aeaching practice phase 1. This was my firot experience as a leaches trainee The school allotted to me wrad St Mary's HSS Pathom, TVM and the class assigned to me was 8 D1 I'm so excited to be their maths teacher for the coming days. Today coas Nov 1, Kerala Piravi day All the teaches and students were in traditional atlives-One of the student chessed ap in Kathakali castume and they organized Kerala map with certain Vegitables Kerala piravi day went so with several Diagrammes We reached school at 8:30 AM and morning duty today after that we headed towrath principal's office for signing our attendence Tegister. Daring the break time we took several selfles with Kathakale and spend a lot of time there. I dove my wortes daring the first hour as I'm free at that time. I had my dass hour at the second hour and had exam duty to help the teachers for collecting. answer sheets and the rest of us done our worles related teaching